Today, we met Julia Brown at La Place St. Michel. Julia Brown is the owner of the tourist tour company called, "Walking The Spirit Tours": According to the tour brochure,"The Tour explores the rich cultural exchange between France, Black America and the Diaspora: Jazz, Education, Arts & Writing."
Julia took us on a tour of Paris, and covered a perspective which I would pay a fortune to do over again. This Tour in conjunction with Julia's presentation style, coupled with her deep understanding of the subject, left me wishing for it to never come to an end! What a presence of history she has? What an understanding of the souls and lives of the writers, sculptors, artists, and Jazz Performers she embodied while treating their spirits with the utmost respect.
Julia Brown should be teaching, "The Josephine Baker Story" to every person of African American Descent. I was mesmerized listening to her recount the lives of Sidney Bechet, the temperamental "New Orleans Style", King of Jazz; at a stand-still hearing her speak of Richard Wright, and his ferocious engagement for African Americans; her funny way of telling the story of Langston Hughes. Julia Brown's knowledge of African American presence in Paris is to be commanded. What a sweet, intelligent, and ravishing lady! I will repeat this Tour again with my children, my friends, and for my own enjoyment! What an enriching perspective of Paris from an African American view!
Thank you, Miss Julia.
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